
Friday, August 17, 2018

I am learning Rounding and Compensating

I have been learning how to subtract using Rounding and Compensating because we can calculate the answer in our head straight away.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Science Roadshow

At the Science roadshow in Abundant life I was shocked at first but then it  started to get  cool.The first thing was the man and the lady was showing us what to do and showing us a video. After the video there was lot's of cool science stuff. My favourite part was the spinning motion curtain when I hopped in I was shy because there was other kid's but then I got a hang of it so I was not shy. I wish I went there again because it was so cool. Then at the end some of the kid's put there note in the box and if the man picked there name out there get to go to the science roadshow again. and it was Sam and this other girl from a different. school and then we had to go back to school. Also I learnt how our muscle worked.